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:+: StarDancer Icons :+:

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Victor Webster [20 Jan 2009|08:34am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Glass Vase Cello Case - Tattle Tale ]

55 Victor Webster Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Charmed - Ep 8x16 "Engaged and Confused"

Breath into my hands; they're like a cup to drink from. )

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Jessalyn Gilsig [20 Jan 2009|09:21am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Snow Cherries from France - Tori Amos ]

40 Jessalyn Gilsig Icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Heroes - Ep 1x14 "Distractions"

Can you launch rockets from here? )

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Mood Theme? [20 Jan 2009|06:46pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | This Time Around - Hanson ]

Okay, I've been wanting to make a new mood theme lately, but I'm torn as to which I should do first. So I'm going to leave this up for grabs for a couple of days to see which everyone would want to see first.

It's between:
That 70s Show (I've got seasons 1, 3, & 5)
Heroes (I've got seasons 1 & 2)
Charmed (I've got all the seasons, save the 4th because I let a friend borrow it and never got it back).

Which character would be best? Or would a group theme be better?

Let me know what you think!

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[ viewing | January 20th, 2009 ]
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