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:+: StarDancer Icons :+:

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Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist, Hellraiser, Poltergeist, Evil Dead icons [20 May 2008|07:04am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | The Worst Pies in London - Sweeney Todd soundtrack ]

12 'Nightmare on Elm Street' icons
4 'The Exorcist' icons
10 'Hellraiser' icons
3 'Poltergeist' icons
6 'Evil Dead' icons


Screencaps taken from: I googled them.

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.

Huzzah for classic horror! )

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Kaley Cuoco [20 May 2008|08:08am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | Anyone Else But You - The Moldy Peaches ]

90 Kaley Cuoco icons

Comment. Credit [info]stardancericons. Enjoy.


Screencaps taken from: Charmed - Ep 8x16 "Engaged and Confused"


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[ viewing | May 20th, 2008 ]
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