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welcome to hell [08 Jun 2010|01:48pm]
WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: It's the first day of school.
WHEN: Monday morning.
WHERE: Mystic Falls High School
NOTES: Everyone interact in this thread. You can each create a sub thread in different parts of the school/times. If you're going to have a specific scene with a specific person, put that person's name in the subject line.

The first day is never easy.

The teachers sit anxiously in their classrooms as they organize their paper work to hand out, and debate on how awful the kids will be this time around. Some, mostly the minty fresh teachers who are about to embark on their first year as teachers, sit behind their desks excited by the prospects of being the teacher of the leaders of tomorrow. The custodial staff dread the end of the day because once the students flood the school - their work will never end.

The nerdy freshman wander the hallways early to memorize their rooms and locations so they don't feel like losers who get lost, while the students begin to crowd the front of the school, and the cafeteria hoping to run into classmates who've been gone all summer. By the time 7:40 a.m. rolls around, the once silent hallways are now rushing with the sounds of student laughter, cat calls, and shouts and filled with students lined on the floor against lockers, students running through the halls; chaos had come back to empty school.

First days were important. Impressions were everything.
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