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got so much wickedness and sin ( plot ) [28 May 2010|07:40pm]
A cool breeze swept through the town of Mystic Falls. It wasn't uncommon for a town, usually so bright and warm, to cool off at night. But something was different this time. Many of the townsfolk were filled with some sort of uneasiness as the night progressed. Something was coming. Many filed that feeling in the recess of their mind and tried to ignore it.

The Mystic Grill came to life and the music began to flood the streets in the area, the familiar thud and the catcalls and giggling that came with the teenager's off for the weekend, the college students looking to get wasted, or the 20-somethings trying to ignore the insecurity they felt about suddenly being "a grown up." All of them prey. All of them with warmth that radiated and called out to him.

He could sense them. Their stench sickened him and filled him with an incomprehensible hunger to snuff the life out of them with a ravenous fury. So close, he thought. Years of plotting and planning would come together on one glorious night and their Master would return to them. "Find more," he whispered softly to the blond beauty to his left, stroking her hair, and she did.

The not-so-quiet town of Mystic Falls, for all the life, slumbered. It's true essence buried deep below. But it would only be a matter of time before it woke and devoured them all.

The thought made Luke feel all fuzzy inside.
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