October 20th, 2008

07:46 pm
[info]mindabbles: Back To School Fest FIC: Why Don't You Come Here? [James/Sirius, James/Kingsely; light R]

Title: Why Don't You Come Here?
Author/Artist: [info]mindabbles
Characters/Pairing: James/Sirius, James/Kingsley
Rating: light R
Disclaimer: I am sorry to say that I don't own James, Sirius, or Kingsley.
Warnings/kinks: Tiny bit of voyeurism and a tease at the end.
Notes: This is for the 2008 Back to School Fest and is the second in an arc of four fics, all for prompt #17, "Yeah, I see what you mean Remus," said a bald black wizard standing farthest back; he had a deep, slow voice and wore a single gold hoop in his ear. "He looks exactly like James." -Kingsley Shacklebolt. This one also uses the prompt: Whisper.
Many thanks to [info]elizassecret for the beta.
Summary: His thoughts, as they were wont to do, wandered to twinkling hazel eyes, lean, muscular shoulders, and a Quidditch-toned arse.
Category(s): Romance/Fluff, UST (resolved next time, I promise).

You're just using me. )