September 22nd, 2008

04:25 pm
[info]mindabbles: Back to School Fest FIC: The Benefits of Lingering; PG-13

Title: The Benefits of Lingering
Author/Artist: [info]mindabbles
Characters/Pairing: Kingsley, implied James/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:I am sorry to say that I don't own James, Sirius, or Kingsley. Or Remus for that matter.
Warnings/kinks: None yet.
Notes: This is for the 2008 Back to School Fest. The plan is for this to be first in an arc of three or four fics, all for prompt #17, "Yeah, I see what you mean Remus," said a bald black wizard standing farthest back; he had a deep, slow voice and wore a single gold hoop in his ear. "He looks exactly like James." -Kingsley Shacklebolt. This one also uses the prompt: Dress Code Violation. AND many smooches to [info]elizassecret for her help with this.
Summary: He dared a glance over his shoulder and let himself look just as the only other team mate in the showers turned to go. Potter and he were alone in there and Kingsley's lungs stopped working.
Category(s): Romance/Fluff, UST

The warm water pounded on Kingsley's back  )