The Internet: Serious Business
can it be a hugs tiem now?

Kittykat posting in The Internet: Serious Business
User: [info]teh_kittykat
Date: 2008-01-26 13:28
Subject: Scientology vs. Internets!
Security: Public
Tags:free speech, rl scams

As seen on otf_wank!

Project Chanology is a coordinated effort of Anonymous to remove Scientology from the internet and reveal the batshit insanery to the rest of the world, not ending until the Co$ is destroyed in its current form. Encyclopedia Dramatica lists the project as an EPIC WIN and contains a full list of current media coverage of the event-- including several Old Media outlets as the conflict has built speed over the last few days.

YouTube, Digg, and Reddit have all been pwned to spread the gospel, including both the original declaration of intent and a note to the news media calling them out to speak the whole truth about what's going on.

While joining in on the IRL Raids being planned is risky, Anonymous who want  in on the action can easily join in on spreading the word using Digg and Reddit to upvote articles, Google bombing Scientology to point to, favorite and high-rate Anon's YouTube videos and anything else showing the batshit. Slightly braver people can even pass on messages themselves, mirror the dox, or support local FreeZoners to end the RTC's choke-hold on the tech that forms the core of the Co$'s practices (thus ending the economic and otherwise slavery of Scientologists without forcing them to have to convert).

Also, icons.

lol icons )

ETA: Entire Tom Cruise video surfaces online. The batshit level is over nine thousand!

ETA2: Anonymous speaks on the threat of Scientology to the internets and the world.

ETA3 Actual academic study done on the dangers of Scientology, answers the question of whether it's "just anothe religion".

Post Script: Knowledge should be free and unpopular opinions should still have the capacity to be heard. While the writer of this article happily sides with Anonymous in the opinion that the Co$ have used and abused the idea of "free speech" in order to silence, enslave, and brainwash people, the writer also recognizes that people are free to have whatever religious beliefs they want. The writer urges any Scienos or Scieno-curious people who might happen upon this post to check out the FreeZone. RTC has squirreled the tech. The tech should be free.

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srz bznz
January 2008