August 14th, 2008

[info]bridgetmkennitt in [info]sports_rpf


Erm. Argh. Baseball RPF got outed again. From theboysofsummer (link):

Attention, attention.
Thanks to a couple writers / fics being outed on Sons of Sam Horn and Deadspin, some writers are locking down their fic. Whether or not you choose to do this is up to your own discrtion, however-- if you lock your fic in an external journal / writing community, don't link it here. Post a locked entry to [info]theboysofsummer, or a public entry here. Posts that community members can't read unless they friend you will be deleted.

Strengthening your disclaimers is strongly encouraged. The one we use here is pretty solid.

Here is the link to the Deadspin article. I couldn't find the one on Sons of Sam Horn. Even worse, it's RPS incest they linked to. Yeah, they linked to the LiveJournal itself. *facepalm*

This asylum uses the "Minimize your journal's inclusion in search engine results" option so you don't have to worry about locking things down here if you don't want to.

I would suggest, however, your journals have the "Minimize your journal's inclusion in search engine results" option enabled. Here for LiveJournal and here for InsaneJournal.