May 22nd, 2008

[info]bridgetmkennitt in [info]sports_rpf

Fic: Always The Bridesmaid, This Year A Bride

Title: Always The Bridesmaid, This Year A Bride
By: Bridget McKennitt
Characters: RPS - Ashley Battle, Shameka Christon
Rating: G
Word Count: 260
Summary: Ashley and Shameka are ready for the season to begin.
Disclaimer: Any real person, location, or organization mentioned in the story below own themselves. This is only a fictional story meant for entertainment and not intended for profit or believing the real people mentioned are like this in real life.
Author's Notes: My baby step into WNBA fandom and since [info]nycscribbler is the inspiration for it, I tried my hand at two players from New York Liberty.

Always The Bridesmaid, This Year A Bride