March 24th, 2008

[info]bridgetmkennitt in [info]sports_rpf

Randy Moss/Tom Brady fics

Title: Free Agent
By: Bridget McKennitt
Pairing: RPS - Randy Moss/Tom Brady
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Tom is afraid he'll lose Randy in free agency like he's lost other teammates. He doesn't want to let go, but he can't voice his objections.
Word Count: 100 x4
Disclaimer: Randy Moss and Tom Brady own themselves. The same can be said for any real person, location, or organization mentioned in the story below. This is only a fictional story meant for entertainment and not intended for profit or believing the real people mentioned are like this in real life.
Author's Notes: This plot bunny wouldn't let me go, with all the news coverage of Randy Moss in free agency, and I just had to write this.

Title: Three Out Of Four Ain't Bad
By: Bridget McKennitt
Pairing: RPS - Randy Moss/Tom Brady
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Super Bowl XLII ended and Tom doesn't want to be around anyone. Randy doesn't care.
Disclaimer: Randy Moss and Tom Brady own themselves. The same can be said for any real person, location, or organization mentioned in the story below. This is only a fictional story meant for entertainment and not intended for profit or believing the real people mentioned are actually like this.