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[21 Aug 2016|09:00am]

Hi everyone. I'm another D, but I'll go by Dionne since- yeah. So hi! a chunk of you know me already, a small chunk.

This is Sirius. I know you all just lost a Sirius, and his doggy bed is still warm, so I'll tread gently. I'll be adding little bits to his profile, tweaking if you will, because I'm working nights at the moment and my brain is a delicious goo in consistency. I'm really selling myself right now.

Anyway, if any of you want anything I'm around, so hit me up! This is the most uncharasmatic intro ever! I need to do some goddamn work, it's piling up beside me!

Sirius and D

[19 Aug 2016|08:24pm]

Hey gorgeous people. Sorry I've been faily lately. Work has been kicking my arse (taking on a lot of extra duties), being sick and my anxiety sky rocketing recently I've kind of been really unmotivated and focused on RP. So. Beyond having a heap of things to do on the weekend I do hope to catch up with things.

I've talked about a thread with Hestia and Emme but Emme needs another thread. Millicent needs tow threads and more plot in general. Might end up doing an open thread for her?

<33333 Alex

[19 Aug 2016|03:42pm]

Hey all just a note I'm going to be away until Sunday (I'll be on my phone but probably unable to reply to stuff so yeah just a side note :-)

See you Sunday!

[19 Aug 2016|02:22am]

Hi sweet game

I'm tentatively back from my pain-atus; I've been semiclearheaded the last couple of days so I should be okay to return to you all.

I'm so sorry for being dead in the water recently

I'm looking forward to getting back into things :)


[17 Aug 2016|07:33pm]

Hey everyone, Nicole here. I was a horrible, awful person and dropped off the face of the earth for a few weeks. I'm apologizing now and trying to get back into the swing of things! I'm going to spend the next little while catching back up on everything I missed. Feel free to drop me a line here and let me know things.

For new people or anyone who doesn't know: I play Fabian Prewett, twin to Gideon. Fab lives on the edges of society since he is going to a muggle university cause he wants to be an astronaut. But he is now in the Order and intends to get more involved in the Wizarding World.

Please come give us plots so I can get him active! Anyone and anything is welcome!

Weekly Prophet {August 15 -August 21 1978} [15 Aug 2016|07:56pm]

Your Weekly Wizarding & Muggle News Sheet )

[11 Aug 2016|12:58am]

Hey kids

Just wanted to apologise for not being around/tagging on time atm, I'm having the world's most ridiculous headache that is only being punctuated with migraines (HA HA HA *SOBS*) and it's had me over a barrel since Sunday

I'll be back and playing as soon as I get the pain under control (got the docs on Friday so hopefully by then)

I miss you guys and I'm sorry if I'm holding anything up for anyone and for the people waiting on tags from me :(

this impacts Benjy Fenwick and Regulus Black

all my love, DCJ

Weekly Prophet {August 8 -August 14 1978} [10 Aug 2016|11:40am]

Your Weekly Wizarding & Muggle News Sheet )

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