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[06 Aug 2016|11:17pm]


What on earth do you want to know about this studdmuffin cinnimon roll?
He's an auror, been in the program since the day he graduated Hogwarts and very much plans on saving the entire, fudging, world. Then having breakfast.


Weekly Prophet {August 1 -August 7 1978} [01 Aug 2016|01:18pm]

Your Weekly Wizarding & Muggle News Sheet )

[30 Jul 2016|06:05pm]

Hey everyone! I thought I'd take the chance to introduce myself! I'm Jen and I'm bringing this lovely lady for you Elizabeth Turpin. She's a bright, playful former Gryffindor that now currently works for St. Mungos as a gifted healer. Currently, she's happily in a relationship with Giddeon, but I would love to plot and plan friends and such for her as well!

As for myself, I've been rping for far too many years now and enjoy it quite a bit. I currently work from home so I have lots of time to plot and play. I hope that we all get along and have lots of fun together. If anyone wants to plot or plan, my email is loki0panda@gmail.com or tsukinoneko48 for aim. Thanks!

[26 Jul 2016|06:23pm]

Sup, party people. It's Joan, with my new lady. Meet Symposia "Posey" Rawle, your local healer (think family/general practitioner branch of healing), Beauxbaton grad, and... Alastor Moody's very secret girlfriend. Secret because, if you didn't know, Moody is a little... paranoid.

Posey moved to the UK about ten years ago due to her family issues (mother was a pureblood witch, father was a muggle, it made it hard to be social in either circle), and has been working at St. Mungo's since. She lives in a cottage outside of Godric's Hollow, and her dream is to one day own her own private practice out there. However, with the impending war, it's not totally viable. She began dating Alastor about five years ago, and they love one another very much. Sadly for Posey, this love is going to lead to Anton killing her good one of these days. Or at least, pre-Remus spell, it certainly was.

Posey needs all sorts of lines. To her patients she's kind and a good healer who really wants to help, to her friends she's a gentle shoulder and listening ear who tends to be better at empathizing than sharing. She's soft spoken and very polite. Her patients could really include anyone, because she treats the daily stuff and yearly check ups.

Weekly Prophet {July 25 - July 31 1978} [27 Jul 2016|09:55am]

Your Weekly Wizarding & Muggle News Sheet )

Also a quick mod note: the activity check has been updated aaaaand so has the cast list! Could everyone do me a favour and check that all the links etc. for their characters go to the right places? I'm sure I've made at least a few mistakes due to the power of cut and paste. Thanks!

Hi! [23 Jul 2016|11:29pm]


[22 Jul 2016|02:08am]

Hi beautiful game!

I really really need some threads for Regulus - would anyone be interested/want him for anything? I was going to throw an open thread up but thought this might be a better way to go about it.

Weekly Prophet {July 18 - July 24 1978} [19 Jul 2016|09:14am]

Your Weekly Wizarding & Muggle News Sheet )

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