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These Tracks Stretch Out Before, PG-13, Sam/Warren, crossover with Sky High [Feb. 12th, 2009|10:40 am]


This story is completed. All parts have been posted.

Title: These Tracks Stretch Out Before
Author: ciaan
Fandoms: Supernatural/Sky High crossover AU
Length: 25,660 words
Rating: PG-13
Genre: coming of age/family drama/action adventure
Pairing: contains Sam/Warren activities, references to other pairings
Thanks: To thepouncer for the very helpful beta.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is from The CW and Sky High is from Disney. This is a fanfic for entertainment and not profit.
Spoilers: Happens after the movie for SH, contains conceptual spoilers only for the premise of SPN.

Summary: Going to superhero school was probably the stupidest thing Sam had ever done. What if someone found out his family's secret?

Sam stared down at his tray, avoiding all the kids he still didn't feel comfortable around. There wasn't anyone he'd wanted to ask to sit with, and no one had offered or joined him at the small table in the corner. So he read his book and picked at his meal. The lunches here weren't any better than at a normal school. He'd figured they would be... well, not super, but good.
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FIC: "Seriously, Cupid?" | NC-17 | Sam/Dean [Mar. 14th, 2008|03:04 pm]

[Tags|, , , ]
[Current Mood |anxious]

Title: Seriously, Cupid?
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Summary: How the fuck do we kill Cupid?
Word count: 1,030 words.
Beta: juice817
Warning(s): Explicit sex. Possibly dub-con if you squint really hard?
Disclaimer: Sadly, they don't belong to me.
Additional Notes: This was written for tvm's Porn Meme. Prompt was "Sam/Dean, a (insert supernatural critter) made them do it, frantic, fuck-or-die sex". Originally posted here. Consider it to be spoilery up to episode 3.12.

( "Cupid?" )

X-posted to [info]supernaturalfic, [info]spn_fic and a few communities on LJ.

FIC: "Sweatbox" Sam/Dean, NC-17 [Aug. 20th, 2007|02:14 pm]

[Tags|, , , ]
[Current Location |Grimmauld Place]
[Current Mood |accomplished]
[Current Music |KOOKS "Naive"]

Author: [info]wolfiekins
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Genre: Romance, Erotica, Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations & Language, Strong Sexual Content, Wincest
Spoilers: Probably
Word Count: 4318
Complete: Yes
Beta: Um, yeah!
Summary: It's hot. Really hot, and Dean's in dire need of a diversion. Some post-AHBL2 PWP...


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