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Aug. 2nd, 2008


Prompt #10 - Winchester Mystery House

Hey guys, happy August! Only a month to go before the season 4 premiere!

Prompt #10!

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Hope to see some awesome fic! Any questions feel free to leave a comment :)

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Prompt #9

Hey guys! Prompt #9, here we go.

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If anyone here has an LJ there are two new things of interest. For anyone in need of some serious crack!fic, join and prompt at [info]ficfest. Also there is now a multi-fandom ficathon, new prompts every other Thursday for an all day ficathon on Saturday @ [info]multi_ficathon. Any questions or comments or concerns feel free to drop a line.

May. 19th, 2008


Prompt #8

Hey folks, we all recovering from the finale? Only a few short months until season 4, I think we can make it :) I'd like to let everyone know that this community is now open to art, so all you fan artists out there feel free to participate as well.

For those interested, here is prompt #8

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Any questions or comments or concerns feel free to drop a line.

May. 5th, 2008



Apr. 1st, 2008


fic: By The Side Of the Road

Title: By The Side Of the Road
Challenge #: 7, Petrified Wood; Lemmon,SD
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Sam
Spoilers/Warnings: Wincest, language, a little angst
Word Count: 613
Disclaimer: All characters, themes and/or recognizable settings belong to Eric Kripke, the CW and others. I am in no way earning money or other profit from this fanfic.
Author's Notes: It's been a while since I've written anything not to do with Big Bang so, I apologize for my rust.

(Fake Cut)

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