Sep. 7th, 2010


Who: Peter, Sylar, & Claire
Where: outside of camp
What: Meeting up
When: Night
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

the good sort of reunion )

Aug. 30th, 2010


characters: paige & piper.
setting: just outside the city, about an hour after paige leaves this for piper.
summary: two of the charmed ones get to work breaking down the magic that binds the city.
rating: tbd.
status: in progress


The magical barriers around the city had to come down, and who better to achieve this goal than two of the people who had put them up to being with? )

Aug. 29th, 2010


WHO: Amitiel, Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, and Lucifer
WHAT: Rescuing Dawn.
WHEN: Early evening; following this.
WHERE: Lucifer's mansion.
STATUS: In Progress

Amitiel knew what she was doing was almost akin to suicide. )


Who: Annie Walker and OTA
Where: Park
When: Early Morning
Why: Cause she needs interaction
Open: YES!
Rating: Depends on who answers.

No you didn‘t bring me out here to drown, so why am I ten feet under and upside down. )


Who: Elle Bishop and you?
Where: In camp
What: Elle’s just bumming around outside.
When: Night
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again? )

Aug. 25th, 2010


characters: claire & pam
setting: CIA building, early evening
summary: claire gives pam some more of her blood.
rating: tbd
status: in progress


Pam would behave if Claire gave her real blood. )

Aug. 24th, 2010


Who: Dawn Summers, Eric Northman, and Veronica Mars
Where: Eric’s room(s?) at Lucifer’s mansion
When: Tuesday night
Rating: TBD 

Aug. 22nd, 2010


Who: Eric & Veronica, Ruby, Lucifer, Open to reactions from anyone at the mansion but no interruptions or hero attempts.
Where: Lucifer's mansion -- The Courtyard
What: Turning Veronica, a semi-public example
When: Last Night
Rating: Slightly up there because of the content of violence and vampirism.
Status: In progress

Examples in Punishment, Ruby Style )

Aug. 21st, 2010


Who: Noah and Elle Bishop
Where: In camp
What: Noah wants to go out and play
When: Now
Rating: G
Status: In progress

Being the only kid was tough )

Aug. 20th, 2010


Who: Faith and OTA
Where: In camp
What: Just edgy and smoking.
When: Now
Rating: PG-13 because most people are mouthy in Camp
Status: In progress

In-between it always seems too long )

Aug. 19th, 2010


Who: Jo & Cas
Where: Couple miles from the camp
What: Much with the wtfing?
When: We'll go with tonight
Rating: PG-13 'cause Cas has a mouth on him. Will update if necessary.
Status: In progress

Aug. 18th, 2010


Who: Fred Burkle and Lucifer
What: Lucy nabs another prisoner
When: Last night
Warnings: Will update if necessary

Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done )

Aug. 17th, 2010


characters: jess & ruby
setting: lucifer's mansion ; night
summary: ruby pays a visit to lucifer's favorite prisoner.
rating: r.
status: complete.


Jess' circumstances were far from normal. If the year 2014 was correct then she'd been dead for 9 years. )


characters: claire, auggie, and echo. [also posting order]
setting: just outside the city.
summary: claire takes it upon herself to go get echo and auggie tags along.
rating: tbd but likely not high.
status: in progress.


Claire didn't want to think Echo was a moron. )

Aug. 16th, 2010


Who: Dawn Summers & Lucifer
Where: Outside the abandoned Main Street Station
What: Kidnapping
When: Just after her arrival
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

a wild child dreamer but she'll find herself )


characters: lucifer and veronica.
setting: just outside the safe haven city. night.
summary: lucifer is the first to find veronica, and it doesn't bode well for her.
rating: pg-13.
status: complete.


Being smart with the devil, not always the best idea. )