November 6th, 2008

[info]ferrellcat in [info]spirit_echoes

Just a quick note

We are walking again as Team "Shiny Pearls" in the next Memory Walk in the Fall. I am currently organizing dates we can go caroling in my community in Jasper, Ga. and in Cumming, Ga. near Pilgrim Mill Rd. I am trying to get donations of supplies to provide sleigh bells decorated with purple ribbons to sell to those who wish to carol with us for $1.00 (all money goes to the Alzheimer's Association) and we will be giving out bells to all who donate as we sing at the various houses. If you are interested in "Ringing in the Memories" with us just comment here. Chimerawinds is part of our team and as we have met my personal team requirement we are always looking for more team members so please comment if you would like to join us. I can direct anyone to our donation page as needed if you would be interested in an on-line donation. If you just know someone who has lived with or died from Alzheimer's comment with the name and will put it on our banner for walk day. I hope to have a very large banner.