October 9th, 2008

[info]ferrellcat in [info]spirit_echoes

House Reading

We did our first house reading last night and had great success. I was so excited. I had someone on the other side come through for communication and one of 3 spirits actively communicated and gave me some information the couple had not before shared with DH. Needless to say the skeptical husband we did the reading for wants us to come back for more and is excited to learn more about his ghosts one of which was very accomidating with moving things for us and turning on the radio downstairs for me. I gave some advice on laying down ground rules to make one of the ghosts a little more respectful of their space. She has friends who want me to come and do readings and I will come back for a personal reading for our client. I made a donation to the Memory Walk and told our client she can totally give out my e-mail address. Business is looking good. I told her to tell her friends I charge moderate prices for readings and discounts on parties so I may actually be able some money away for our equipment and llc and insurance. I'm so excited. I had dreams all week about the reading going well but I was still nervouse until I got into it. It was great!