August 18th, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]spirit_echoes

Something Wicked This Way Comes?

I had an experience yesterday at home and I so wish I had handy my tape recorder for an EVP. I called my husband's cell phone so I could leave a message in order to save the time and date for investigative purposes. I need to get some equipment as soon as I can afford it as it seems my new home will be a great place to investigate.

Yesterday as I put Elora down for a nap, I was walking down the hall towards the living room. I was nearly at the stairs when from below (Ryan would have come in from the basement after parking in the gararge had it been later in the afternoon) I distinctly heard his voice say my name. There is a special way he says my name in order to catch my attention when I'm busy. It was just that way. Very clear. Clear enough to catch me off guard and say his name by way of a greeting. Then it immediately occured to me that Ryan still had a couple of hours of work left. It was early in the afternoon between 1:30pm and 2pm I'd say. I have the specific time in my notes at home.

I then felt the presence of someone right behind me when I called Kinkerbelle (right after calling hubby). I called her so I could share the experience and it helped to hear a voice that wasn't from beyond, ya know? Anyway, excited I wanted to launch an EVP session while the iron was apparently hot so to speak but low and behold, my tape recorder wasn't to be found as we're still unpacking. *frown*

I need a digital recorder. *sigh* I need an EMF meter. And laser temp reader. Also, not sure where my spirit board is at the moment though I have an idea. I'll post more as stuff happens!