June 11th, 2008

[info]ferrellcat in [info]spirit_echoes

general info.

I had posted some things in another asylum that I asked to post here as well. It is a general gnostic christian belief based on some recent findings of scriptures that I heard of recently in Sunday School at church. It actually confirmed something something I always knew to be true but never understood why I knew. (Very generally "gnostics" believe in reading the scriptures and listening to your first or "gut impression" of what you believe the scripture means. They feel that this is how God communicates to you through the Holy Spirit. That is pretty much all I know of gnoticts so if anyone is a gnostic christian I would love to know more. Sylvia Browne is gnositic christian.) Anyway, according to the gnostics (and I have held this belief for many years) heaven is right here on earth. It is seperated by "the veil". Our spiritual eyes catch glimpses of it now and then. I also believe gnostics do not believe in hell(now I may be wrong about this) but I have also believed that hell is something of our own design and not God's. For instance Hell is very real to those who believe in it. Now please bear in mind that I'm not claiming to be right about any of this and I do not want to step on any ones theological toes.

Spirits are souls that have crossed over to heaven and live with God, Jesus, and all of the angels. The Akashic records are there and so forth. Anyway to make a long story short our spirit guides are spirits that have lived at least one incarnation on earth and together we chose to go through this life together. They have the ability to bi-locate. They must always stay with us but can literally be in two places at once and maybe more. They can be helping us and at the same time be attending lectures or concerts or speaking to God on our behalf by way of "masters" on a "council".

Ghosts are spirits that became confused at the time of their death and did not find their way into heaven because they either did not realize they are dead, were afraid of going to hell or for whatever reason chose to stay. Because of this most ghosts are confused which is why they can sometimes "act out". In my personal opinion I feel ghosts need reassurance in order to find where they need to go because they will be happier home where they belong. They can't advance otherwise. To keep them here is like trapping a wild animal. Set them free.

Anyway just having spirits isn't a true haunting as heaven is literally here and we see spirits all of the time. When you have a trapped ghost you have a haunting.

[info]ferrellcat in [info]spirit_echoes

The veil

I was asked to share my view of the veil. Now again bear in mind that I do not study theology am not an expert on the bible or spirituality just my uneducated opionion but here it is:

A long time ago back in the days of Noah and later Moses and so forth...There were mystics, dreamers, spiritualists, and so forth and God really began (according to the Bible) to make his presence known. Mankind was almost considered by God to be in it's infancy. God was very strict in how the Jews were to live, worship, what have you and was just as strict to deal with transgressions even though God gave them many chances instead of wiping out the whole race. Much as how we are with our babies. As they begin to crawl and walk and run we are very strict on what they are allowed to eat and do to protect them. We don't always sit and explain ourselves as they would not understand everything. Moses had the 10 Commandments for instance but no bible. As mankind becomes "older" God gave us Jesus to help us to understand Him. Jesus gave us new teachings that were very different from what the Jews were used to believing. Jesus explained more. In essence mankind was growing up and allowed more "liberties". Again instead of just punishing our children we begin to explain why we do things a certain way and they are allowed "off the apron strings" so to speak. We also learn more. Now we have scriptures and a bible.

Recently, we are finding lost scriptures so we have even more information. I believe mankind is reaching "alduthood". In some ways are coming full circle as more and more people are looking beyond what our wordly eyes can see. We begin to perceive spirits and to listen to our dreams more. As we become spiritually "older" the veil is becoming thinner. There will come a time when the veil will shatter completely and I believe this is the real message of Revelations. Heaven and Earth will literally become one, vibrating on the same frequency.

Now this is simply how I've been thinking of what I've learned. I'm not saying I'm right. Just food for thought.