March 27th, 2008

[info]chimerawinds in [info]spirit_echoes

Hello All

A little about your Mod...

I'm a Paranormal investigator and a 'sensitive' which means I can 'hear' and sometimes 'see' spirits around me. I try to prove what I can psychically hear and see as much as I can. I am a member of Ghost Hounds and Haxan Paranormal Society. I'm in the slow process of forming my own invesitgation team. It's a slow process as I'm working on getting the equipment we need and finding just the people. A good team takes a balance of skeptics as well as open believers I think. Over time, I'll tell about my experiences. I hope to be investigating the Abondoned Theater in Duluth, GA before summer's end but without very much equipment, I'm not sure what evidence I can prove. It will most likely be a base investigation to gauge the activity of the site and see if it's worthy of coming and doing a full investigation of.

So, welcome. Sit a spell with me. Have some tea. And sleep tight. *wicked grin*