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Sparta College RPG

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[01 Sep 2008|05:20pm]
Who: Quinn and Jackson
What: Awkward conversation, at least on Quinn's side
Where: Dining hall
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: PG

Quinn sat at a table in the dining hall after she got herself some lunch, reading the previous day's New York Times. She was reading an article about the presidential election, which she was very fervently interested in. She skimmed an article about Palin's family, and giggled to herself. Quinn picked at her sandwich, not noticing that someone had sat down across from her.
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[01 Sep 2008|07:36pm]
Who: Ariella and OTA!
What: Lounging around on Labor Day
Where: The lobby of the dormitory
When: Monday evening

Ariella sat sprawled on a couch in the lobby, typing away on her laptop (thank goodness for wireless internet!) She didn't have a shift for her clinical at the hospital today because it was Labor day, and she had finished all of her homework earlier in the weekend, so she was taking it easy. She liked to people watch, so she sat in the lobby of the dorm, watching people entering and leaving for a while before dinner.
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[01 Sep 2008|11:48pm]
Who: Davina and any cheerleader
What: Cheerleading practice
Where: Practice room at the gym
When: Monday night

Davina was wearing a sports bra and cheerleading shorts, and was sweaty and sore from leading her first cheerleading practice. It was probably a bad idea to have the girls do a pyramid (from which she fell off the top), and she got dropped a few times, but as a first practice, it went pretty well.
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[ viewing | September 1st, 2008 ]
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