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Sparta College RPG

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[31 Aug 2008|12:37am]
Who: Asher and Lucas
What: Roommates finally sit to talk...sort of.
Where: Asher and Lucas' dorm room
When: Saturday
Rating: TBD.

Asher was not a boy that was prone to studying. So it was no surprise that his roommate had probably seen him in the morning before Lucas' first classes, all rolled up in blankets and out like a light. or as he was running out the door like a bat out of hell hoping not to miss his classes.

So when Asher walked through the door, yawning but otherwise awake, it had to be somewhat of a surprise to his roommate. Of course, no more than the fact that Asher was wearing the same close he'd been seen in last night. Or the fact that he smelled vaguely of alcohol.

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[31 Aug 2008|01:12am]
Who: : Vanessa & Open.
What: : Drunken Ramblings.
Where: : Outside the dorm.
When: : 31 August; very early morning
Rating: TBD.

She was normally pretty good about staying under her tolerance level. )
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[31 Aug 2008|09:55pm]
Who: Noah and Open!
What: Loitering.
Where: Outdoors on campus / the quad.
When: Sunday, early evening.
Rating: TBA (PG probably.)

Noah wasn't exactly bored, but he was starting to get that feeling of ennui again. He didn't like being alone, and he hadn't really ran into any friends yet, since he got back onto campus. A bit later than everyone else, since he'd taken longer in Paris than he'd expected to.

He decided to head outdoors, sit around for a little bit, see if he ran into anyone he knew. It was a good possibility - he knew a lot of people, and the campus was pretty small. Odds were in his favor. He picked up his sunglasses on the way out of his dorm room and slipped them on as he left the dorm building.
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