Posts Tagged: '%7Eandy+gallagher+%28socompelling%29'

27th Aug, 2012



Who: Andy Gallagher and Robin Hood
What: Robin's convinced Andy to give horse riding a go.
When: Mid morning
Where: A convenient stable not far out of the city
Warnings: Not likely.

Andy, meet Satan )

19th Aug, 2012



Who: Andy and Cas (celestialintent)
Where: First Winterfell and then an abandoned apartment building
When: Backdated to a few nights ago
What: Survival of the fittest/getting over fear
Warnings: Violence, possibly language
Status: Closed, ongoing

Read more... )

11th Aug, 2012



Who: Anna Milton (drops_ofjupiter) and Andy Gallagher (socompelling)
When: Saturday Night
Where: Winterfell
What: Anna's TECHNICALLY not supposed to be on her feet, but she also can't sit still.
Warnings: Not high, I'm betting.
Status: Closed, Incomplete.

That thing you're feeling? It's called doubt. )



Who: Doctor (living_in_light) and Andy Gallagher (socompelling)
When: 11 August Saturday
Where: Parked near the Doctor's flat
What: Meeting a new friend
Warnings: ? tbd though not high I expect
Status: Closed, unfinished

Time and the Magical Mystery Van of Awesomeness )

Who: Andy Gallagher and Meredith Grey
What: Talk
Where: Merdith's appartment
When: Friday night
Rating: Low

I don't feel like dancing, no sir, no dancing today )

10th Aug, 2012


Who: Andy Gallagher and Wanda
What: Van appreciation
Where: In the street/van
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: Low

And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.  )

29th Jul, 2012


Who: Andy Gallagher and Robin Hood
What: Shopping and zombie fighting
Where: Macy's
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: Medium for violence

Don't forget to bring the fire )

25th Jul, 2012


Who: Andy Gallagher and Cas (celestialintent)
What: Debriefing after Andy's second first monster kill
Where: Winterfell. After hours.
When: Backdated to last Saturday night
Rating: Medium

Now I lie awake and scream in the zero gravity and it's starting to weigh down on me )

13th Jul, 2012



Who: Robin Hood and Open
Where: Central Park
When: His arrival
What: Wondering where the hell he is
Warnings: None at this stage

This was a far cry from Sherwood forest )

5th Jul, 2012


Who: Andy Gallagher and Nathan Petrelli
What: Random chat
Where: Winterfell
When: Wednesday night
Rating: low probably. Nathan snark.

If you think you can fly I can change your mind )