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Sep. 5th, 2011


I regret that my brief hiatus is going to become permanent. This is quite a lovely game conceptually, but I'm unable to meet the requirements and the game-play style is a bit too alien for me.

Thank you for the opportunity.
- J (& Afton & Quijote)


Took my mom to the ER Sunday morning and have been at the hospital all day with her Sunday and today. She's still there so I'm sorry for lull in replies everyone.

(Valerian, Malakai, Zayd, Thorne, Quon, Bjorn, Shadrach, Kylie, Dusty, Kip, Mike, Justice & Cormac)


Just a note: real life has handed me some shit cards in the last few days, and I'm trying to work through it all. Hopefully it will be resolved by the end of Tuesday or Wednesday. Either way, forgive my slowness, please. My head isn't on very tightly at the moment, thanks to illness and other issues. Trying my best to fix it.

(Hana, Abigail, Cora, Gia, and Nadya)

Sep. 4th, 2011


To my fellow group members, sadly I must leave the game due to increasing work stress and work load. I wish you all the best and the game's successful continuation. Feel free to reach me anytime at any time, I will still make it online when I can but I cannot allow others to depend on me when I can no longer meet the demands. Thank you for this wonderful experience.

-Heather (Morganna, Connor, and Victor)


The New Las Vegas Weekly

You can read the new edition of the newspaper here:

The New Las Vegas Weekly


Hide your valueables, everyone! Grue made another character! This is Adam Davis, Abigail's twin brother, and he's recently returned from a trip down to Doctor Cronhelm - and he came back as Progeny! As always, I'm open to any and all plots and threads! Adam's been around the dam as long as Abigail has, so if you've got a long-time resident feel free to assume your character knows him. You know what a crazy I am, so if you've got thread ideas, I'll write 'em up. <3

Sep. 3rd, 2011


Activity Check Reminder

Just a reminder that all activity checks are due tomorrow (September 4th) by midnight. Report your threads here, and please don't rely on someone else to do it for you. We are only counting activity from those who report it, even if your character was involved with their thread.


A heads up to people I'm in threads with: I'm ill. I'm hoping this isn't going to slow me down, but if you don't hear from me promptly, you know why.



I just wanted to post here and apologizes to those I'm in threads with. I know I kinda dropped off the face of the earth there for a bit. <.< Half of that can be blamed on Jessica since she was so OMG annoying and bugging the living daylights out of me sitting on my couch, eating my food... lmao.


But Yeah, I might still be a little all over the place availability wise for a bit since I will be starting the divorce process which leaves me scrambling to get a job and a place to live on top of being a full time student and a mother. @_@ Please bare(bear? My mind is fried, forgive) with me. I will be all, OMG REPLIZE this weekend as my daughter is off camping and... no classes! So I will be catching up!


Just when I'm not sure I can handle more stress, the world surprises me. If I never have to wake up again to the smell of smoke and finding out my house was on fire again, it would be too soon.

Replies will be slow, activity will be minimal. Now comes the fun part of insurances claims and the like.

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