The Snape/Lupin Newsletter - July 15th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Snupin Prophet

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July 15th, 2007

The Snupin Prophet: July 8-15, 2007 [Jul. 15th, 2007|02:27 pm]



Original poster: scribbulus_ink

[info]lupin_snape is hosting a discussion of OotP.

[info]lupin_snape is hosting a discussion of Snupin daydreams for book 7.

Fan Art:
Chibi Kiss & Snape's Worst Memory, by [info]karasu_hime.

The Little Pleasures of Life, by Anonymous. NWS.

Sex Education, by [info]dancingskeleton. Mildly NWS.

Under the Pale Moonlight, by [info]ebonyserpent. NWS, bestiality.

Untitled, by [info]brunaghot. NWS.

Untitled, by [info]dancingskeleton. NWS.

Untitled, by [info]thebrandytook. Mildly NWS.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Midnight Cravings, by [info]ellid. Implied mpreg.

Room 19, The Leaky Cauldron, 8 p.m., Wednesday, by [info]westernredcedar.

Send Him Back, by [info]ellid.

Thank Merlin Voldemort!, by [info]nimrod_9. NC17.

They Drink Alone, by [info]ellid.

The Trouble With Facial Hair, by [info]westernredcedar.

Two drabbles, by bronze_ribbons.

Typical Day, by [info]alisanne.

Where Everybody Knows Your Name, by [info]alisanne.

You waited, by [info]blpaintchart.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Distractions, by [info]kirasha. Rated R.

Fanfiction (complete):
Chocolat, by [info]scribbulus_ink. Rated PG.
Summary: After the war, Severus wants to put everything behind him and start anew, but there's a part of his past he can't seem to leave behind.

The Essence of Murtlap, by [info]darklyromantic. Rated PG13.
Summery: Snape was forced to make an impossible decision and Lupin had to suffer the consequences. Now Snape will do all he can in order to put things right.

Heat, by [info]beatrixbloxam. Rated NC17. Content: Severus/Remus/Harry, MPreg, rimming, orgasm denial, wanking.
Summary: Harry Potter has been feeling a bit strange this summer; can Severus cope with his new appetites? Especially the kinds of cravings Harry is having?

Just Like Strangers Here, by mechaieh. Rated R. Content: references to domestic violence; character deaths; rape.
Summary: Severus Snape had never wanted to live in Japan, or to miss Remus Lupin.

Midnight in the Owlery of Good and Evil, by [info]mirabella_plunk. Rated NC17. Content: voyeurism, wanking.
Summary: Harry cannot sleep at night. When he sneaks out under his Invisibility Cloak to visit Hedwig in the owlery, he finds out a lot more than he bargained for about an old friend and an old enemy but most of all about himself.

'N Ffurfiol Briodas, by [info]ms_w_winchist. Rated PG. Content: Minerva/Turlough Tofty; mentions of unrequited Severus/Minerva.
Summary: In which, Minerva is old-fashioned, her fiancée is indulgent, Severus Snape is reluctant, and Remus Lupin had intended to have fun.

On the Shores of Darkness, by [info]purpleygirl. Rated NC17. Content: dubious consent, BDSM, sex magic.
Summary: Only through the Dark can Remus be saved.

Snogging and Blackmail, by Flash Foreward. Rated T.
Summary: Hermione and Ron catch Snape and Lupin, but Snape has blackmail! Just a silly fic I thought up late at night. SnapeLupin, HermioneRon. Takes place during third year.

Stoppered, by mechaieh. Rated PG.
Summary: After the Prank, Snape visits the Room of Requirement to make a potion.

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream, by [info]ellid. Rated NC17.
Summary: Two men share the same disturbing yet attractive dream. What happens they seek treatment at the same facility?

Fanfiction (WIP):
A Chaos of Deep Passion: part 7, by [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink. Rated R. Content: dark fic, angst, violence, attempted suicide, character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: The war is over, but the problems for the Wizarding World have just begun. Lupin must call upon Snape to help identify and neutralize this new threat, but he finds Snape a broken man. Can he help rebuild Snape's shattered life in time and save the Wizarding world anew, or are they all doomed to fall?

The Curse of the Beatles: chapter 1, by Kelsid. Rated T.
Summary: This is Severus Snape and Remus Lupin's life story from James and Lily's wedding onwards. The only thing that connects their lives are those annoying Beatles songs that haunt them wherever they go...

Five Days in July: part 4, by [info]anamatics. Rated PG.
Summary: A series of chance meetings land Severus Snape and Remus Lupin on two ends of the same bakery checkout counter.

Follow Me: chapters 53-54, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: MPreg, Non-con (rape), Incest, Threesome, Under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

Follow Me: This Way Lies Madness: chapter 8, by KateL. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, violence, bdsm, non-con, character death, voyeurism.
Summary: A story that spans from the very end of Harry's 5th year, behind the scenes look at 6th year following HBP as closely as possible. Concluding with 7th year in independent study and the Final Battle. Lots of twists and turns, intrigue, discoveries, withheld information, and personal growth.

Hogwarts CUS: How to win friends and influence people, by [info]senjism. Rated PG.

Honor: chapter 54, by morganlefay1958 and calanor. Rated G-NC17. Content: AU, mpreg, violence.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Merlin's Scrote!: part 8, part 9 & 10, part 11 (complete), by [info]rakina. Rated NC17.
Summary: After his Hogwarts years Severus finds his own space and sets up a purpose-built lab. He couldn't be happier in his seclusion. But perfection doesn't exist – there's always a drawback and in The Hideaway it comes in the form of an animal; a very rude little animal indeed.

Nothing As It Seems: chapters 1-6, by Lilyyuri. Rated M+. Content: Primarily Oliver/Draco, AU, under 18.
Summary: A nasty injury cuts off Oliver Wood's professional Quidditch career. Dumbledore summons him to replace the eloping Madame Hooch as Flight instructor and Quidditch referee. Draco Malfoy is reunited with his long time fantasy.

Orphans and Wolves: chapter 6, by [info]rufus. Rated PG13. Content: graphic imagery.

Potomac: chapters 6-8, by kodiak. Rated R. Content: abuse, rape.
Summary: Respected psychiatrist Samuel Crane has a comfortable life and a firm hold on his own sanity. Can he maintain that hold when his past comes knocking on his door?

The Silence of Silence: chapters 20-22, by Lady Bahiya. Rated MV. Content: Remus/Severus/other, AU, violence.
Summary: As the end of 6th year wound down, it saw the swift and final end of Voldemort. But because of stray Death Eaters, Harry is sent back to his mother's sister for the summer. He's not seen...ever...until an urgent message falls into the hands of a certain Potions Master.

Sticks and Stones: chapters 9-10, by bejou. Rated K.
Summary: Remus has an obsession. A raven hair obsession. And before you say anything, it is not Sirius. No, it is someone much more deadly. Or at least Remus thought so.....

Unchained: part 2, by [info]alestrel. Rated adult. Content: dark fic, dark themes.

Vicious Moon: part 71, by [info]innerslytherin and [info]thesnapelyone.
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

The Wolf and His Bane: chapters 5-6, by HogwartsHoney. Rated PG. Content: character death.
Summary: Remus had disappeared after the Final Battle. Two years later, Severus needs to find him.

[info]lupin_snape is hosting OotP Candid Captions #4.

[info]snupin100 has issued Challenge #113: The Leaky Cauldron.

[info]snape100 has issued Challenge #186: The Half-Blood Prince.

[info]30minutefics has issued Challenge #181: Whistling in the Dark.

[info]moonlightnrain is hosting a HP kissing meme.

[info]orthogon_alley is a new community for AU HP stories.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 4 stories this week.

[info]lupin_snape has updated its posting and spoiler policy.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.

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