The Snape/Lupin Newsletter - June 24th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Snupin Prophet

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June 24th, 2007

The Snupin Prophet: June 17-24, 2007 [Jun. 24th, 2007|08:02 am]



Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Fan Art:
Mein Teil?, by [info]yukipon. NWS.

OOOOOOOOOH, Yaoi!, by [info]socialblunder4u. NWS.

Red, by [info]aleoninc.

Remus Lupin, gentleman séducteur, by [info]neodandiesrule.

Snape and Lupin Studying, by [info]kellyl.

Snape's Last Kiss, with drabble, by [info]xterm. Character death.

Tamed Beast of Mine, by [info]yukipon. NWS.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
The bed is quite large, by [info]blpaintchart.

Consider it a duel, then, by [info]blpaintchart.

Everything is wrong, by [info]blpaintchart.

Gryffindor Subtlety, by [info]alisanne.

He wants to apologize, by [info]blpaintchart.

Letter #8, July 12th, by [info]oirowin.

Letter #9, July 15th, by [info]oirowin.

Nuit du Theme, by [info]nimrod_9.

Perceptions May Differ, by [info]celandineb. Severus/Remus/Harry.

A Rare Delicacy, by [info]ellid.

Some Champagne?, by [info]blpaintchart.

Term of Endearment, by [info]ellid.

A Troll in my skull, by [info]blpaintchart.

Veelas Affect Everyone Equally, by [info]westernredcedar. Mild R.

Why Sirius Doesn't Know, by [info]westernredcedar.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
All You Need Is Love, by [info]celandineb.

Hunger, by [info]hogwartshoney. Rated R, character death, description of a little gore, dark.

Murder and Monsters, by [info]hogwartshoney. Rated R, character death.

Open, by [info]firefly_quill.

Severance Pay, by [info]summerborn. Rated R, see post for warnings.

Thought You'd Never Ask, by [info]psyfic.

Untitled, by [info]summerborn.

Fanfiction (complete):
Blending the Colours, by [info]darkshimmer. Content: dark fic, disturbing imagery, mental illness, character death.
Summary: The execution of Severus Snape was supposed to be a day worth celebrating. Why is Remus the only one laughing?

The Final Impediment, by [info]bitterfic. Rated NC17. Content: dark fic, bdsm, humiliation, violence.
Summary: Set a few weeks before the end of HBP. For twenty years, the wolf had made Snape hesitate when he needed to act, made him weak when he needed to be strong. And now, his master--his true master--had set before him a task on which everything hinged. A task he could not fail at, but one he could not accomplish so long as the wolf haunted him. So long as he feared the wolf, he would know he was a coward.

Found, by [info]redwesterncedar. Rated R. Content: violence, voyeurism.
Summary: Snape and Draco are on the run, but someone has found them.

Inquiring Minds Want to Know, by [info]kirasha. Rated NC17. Content: rimming.
Summary: Bill Weasley has a fascination he thinks only Remus can help him come to terms with. Severus is not as enthusiastic.

I Still Do, by [info]psyfic. Rated NC17. Content: rimming.

Just Because You're Paranoid, by Anonymous. Rated R. Content: Remus/Severus/Lily.
Summary: Remus can't imagine what Lily and Severus might want. Even when he finds out, he still finds it hard to imagine - until it happens.

No Mistake, by [info]the_senjou. Rated PG13.
Summary: Prompts No.6: - It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake. – H.L. Mencken.

The Notebook, by [info]nimrod_9. Rated NC17. Content: voyeurism, frottage, mentions of public sex, and hints at cross-dressing.
Summary: Tonks looks for a way to get Remus to notice her but he noticed someone else first.

True Memorial, by glishara. Rated T.
Summary: After the events of book 6, the members of the Order of the Phoenix are fighting to carry on what seems a losing battle against the Death Eaters. When Severus Snape is captured, it falls to Lupin to try and learn what he can from his former colleague.

"When I Consider How My Light is Spent", by [info]parseltonguepen. Rated NC17. Content: dark fic, Remus/Percy, mental instability, abuse, torture, possibly non-con, use of unforgiveable curses, disability, character death.

The Wolfsbane Potion, by zgirnius. Rated PG.
Summary: A missing moment/alternate point-of-view story from PoA. It is Hallowe'en, and Snape is busy making a potion for Lupin.

WoW: part 1, part 2, by [info]carentan. Rated NC17.
Summary: Snape is addicted to an online game along the lines of World of Warcraft. An intervention is necessary...

Fanfiction (WIP):
A Chaos of Deep Passion: parts 4-5, by [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink. Rated R. Content: dark fic, angst, violence, attempted suicide, character death (not RL or SS).
Summary: The war is over, but the problems for the Wizarding World have just begun. Lupin must call upon Snape to help identify and neutralize this new threat, but he finds Snape a broken man. Can he help rebuild Snape's shattered life in time and save the Wizarding world anew, or are they all doomed to fall?

Coming Home: chapters 1-2, by jazzgirl. Rated PG13.
Summary: Insights into the relationship between Severus Snape and Remus Lupin; spans from Lupin's year as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to the end of Half-Blood Prince, with flashbacks to their lives before they were adults.

Dark Night Effect: chapters 17-18, by _Ky_. Rated X. Content: Remus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks, bdsm, character death.
Werewolves are tied to the moon more than the most wizards know, and not just the full moon, but the new moon as well. The Marauders called it the Dark Night Effect. While the full moon brought Remus pain, the new moon showed him love.

A Desperate Remedy: part 1, by [info]kellanine. Rated PG.
Summary: Fantasy Fest prompt #43: Remus & Severus are together and happy when someone starts making death threats against Severus...and Tonks is the Auror assigned to investigate. Bonus if Severus and Remus have a child.

Five Days in July: part 3, by [info]anamatics. Rated PG.
Summary: A series of chance meetings land Severus Snape and Remus Lupin on two ends of the same bakery checkout counter.

Follow Me: chapters 45-47, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: MPreg, Non-con (rape), Incest, Threesome, Under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man.

Follow Me: This Way Lies Madness: chapter 6, by KateL. Rated MV. Content: Harry/Draco, violence, bdsm, non-con, character death, voyeurism.
Summary: A story that spans from the very end of Harry's 5th year, behind the scenes look at 6th year following HBP as closely as possible. Concluding with 7th year in independent study and the Final Battle. Lots of twists and turns, intrigue, discoveries, withheld information, and personal growth.

For the Pleasure of Severus Snape: parts 1-6, by [info]moonlightnrain. Rated R. Content: whips, hot wax, tattoos.
Summary: A smitten and drunk Remus stumbles into an unusual arrangement with our dear Potions Master, giving Snape the upper hand. Where will he lead Lupin now that he's holding the proverbial leash?

A Little Comfort: part 4, by [info]maraudersaffair. Rated R.
Summary: During the summer after the notorious prank, Remus realizes that he is attracted to other boys when Sirius subsequently ends up staying with him. He struggles to gain control over his feelings and his friendship, but he does understand that he can't hide from his true self, especially when it comes to Severus.

Reconstruction of a Death Eater: chapter 21, by Les Dowich. Rated PG15.
Summary: The war is on, Voldemort is back, Dumbledore is dead and the Light is growing dim. What seems bad is good and evil hides in unexpected places. Nothing is exactly as it presents itself and time is running out.

Scars: part 23, part 24, by [info]geri_chan. Rated NC17. Content: AU, OCs.
Summary: Snape and Lupin investigate the Romanian sanatorium and visit Bill Weasley in the hospital. Snape and Lupin report to Arthur and the Aurors.

The Silence of Silence: chapter 19, by Lady Bahiya. Rated MV. Content: Remus/Severus/other, AU, violence.
Summary: As the end of 6th year wound down, it saw the swift and final end of Voldemort. But because of stray Death Eaters, Harry is sent back to his mother's sister for the summer. He's not seen...ever...until an urgent message falls into the hands of a certain Potions Master.

Vicious Moon: part 68, by [info]innerslytherin and [info]thesnapelyone.
Summary: It is late in 1979. Unbeknownst to his friends, Remus is gay and frequenting gay clubs, many of them in Muggle London to avoid running into people he knows. James and Lily Potter are married. James and Sirius are in the Auror Programme as well as the Order of the Phoenix. The war is heating up, and the Death Eaters are easily picking off Order members one by one. The Order is disorganized and ill-prepared for Voldemort's strength, and is struggling to gain a foothold against the self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

The Wolf and His Bane: chapter 4, by HogwartsHoney. Rated PG. Content: character death.
Summary: Remus had disappeared after the Final Battle. Two years later, Severus needs to find him.

[info]lupin_snape is hosting OotP Candid Captions #1.

[info]snupin100 has issued Challenge #110: Vive La France.

Recs & Reviews:
[info]the_senjou has fan art mood theme reviews here.

[info]lupin_snape has posted an update on the spoiler prevention policy with information on screening/unscreening comments.

[info]zeltkaiserin has RL/SS tags on here.

[info]snape100 has updated its spoiler precautions.

[info]snupin100 has updated its spoiler precautions.

[info]palemilk has RL/SS icons and a fan mix.

Search Round-up:
[info]lanibb has a fic search here.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 9 stories this week.

[info]rcsnupin has been updated with one new entry.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.

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