[info]nimrod_9 wrote
on April 21st, 2008 at 09:05 am

Title: Another Prophecy
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #152 Voldemort
Characters: Remus/Severus
Warning: Unbeta'd. No smut whatsoever!!!
"I'm sick to death of Voldemort. Voldemort this and Vodemort that and Voldemort some other damn thing. "
"You might try calling him The Dark Lord," Severus said placidly.
"It's not funny, you of all people, should know that."
"I know it is not funny but, it is an option."
Remus sighed.
"It will be over after Potter finds and destroys that last Horocrux."
"Until then you're Albus' murderer and I'm baby-sitting an incubating Auror."
Severus snorted.
"I know. I heard this prophecy as well, she may be carrying the next saviour of the Wizarding World."
"Weasley parentage not withstanding."

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