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Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

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    Bert and Ernie Snarry icon
    I am looking not for a story, but for a Snarry user icon that I saw several times a few years ago but now can't locate. I have no memory of who used it, but I did see it frequently for a while. It featured the puppets Bert and Ernie (a drawing of them, I think), slightly modified to look EXACTLY like Severus and Harry. Honestly, it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. So I guess I'm looking for the writer who uses that icon. I would like to show it to a new penfriend, and possibly even ask for permission to keep a copy of it on my computer just so I can look at it and laugh every now and then. Does anyone remember this icon and know who its owner is? Thanks!

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