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Monday, November 15th, 2010

    Time Event
    I'm looking for a story I read not terribly long ago (within the last year). I remember quite a bit about it, but not enough to actually find the thing.

    It's a long fic, either multiple chapters or just very long. It is a "sequel" of sorts, or follows after other works in the series. The plot heavily features two original Muggle characters, a male lawyer and a female therapist. Post-war fic, several years elapsed, where Snape has been secretly married to Harry and is seeking a divorce. (The implication is that their relationship was not romantic and was in fact, rather awful in the past, and they only start to come to terms with one another in the 'present' day.)

    Snape owns a shop of some kind, where I believe he makes soaps? The lawyer stops in the shop and ends up taking his case. Hermione is Harry's lawyer, and claims to practice "Scottish law" as the lawyer doesn't know about the Wizarding World. (Hermione has a son in this story, and is a single mother.) The judge is "traditional" and forces Snape and Harry to seek counseling before granting a divorce (the other OC).

    It's far more grand and complicated than I'm making it sound. I loved this story and wanted to show it to my husband (of all things) but I've discovered I didn't save it somehow and I am lost.

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