December 1st, 2008

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Fic: Coming Back

Title: Coming Back
Author: [info]anya_elizabeth
Giftee: [info]perverse_idyll
Word Count: ~12,200
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: The obvious plus past Harry/Ginny.
Warnings: Epilogue compliance
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry's been looking for Snape for a long time. Snape doesn't believe him.
Author's Notes: This has been scary and exciting and educational and I'm so happy to be done. Love and thanks to my dearest Elizabeth, who spoke of My Fair Lady when I was stressing and gave this fic her much-demanded attention, and to Emily, who was a last-minute angel and is owed a ton of H/D wallsex. I really hope you like it!

Coming Back

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Fic: The Day Severus Snape Woke Up In Hell and Spent Seven Minutes in Heaven Before Life Interrupted

Title: The Day Severus Snape Woke Up In Hell and Spent Seven Minutes in Heaven Before Life Interrupted His Happily Ever After
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Giftee: [info]gatewaygirl
Word Count: Including the Title? One Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillion! Not including the Title: 8665
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: …Is this a trick question? *glances suspiciously at mods* Snarry and a little bit of Ron/Hermione.
Warnings: DH spoilers, massive sentient objects, the tiniest bit of exposition, Hermione's bag of tricks, EWE, slightly-out-of-his-mind!Snape, and shocked-speechless!Harry
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction set in the Harry Potter universe. No person or corporation is profiting from this story; it is for entertainment purposes only.
Summary: When Hogwarts throws a hissy fit, it's up to Harry to awaken its Headmaster. However, nothing ever goes as planned when Harry is involved.
A/N: Heartfelt thanks to all those without whom this fic would not have been finished. You know who you are. More heartfelt thanks to L for the beta and to E for the title. [info]gatewaygirl, this actually started from one of your prompts (Harry and Snape have to work together) and then took on a life of its own. I sincerely hope you enjoy it! Happy Holidays.

The Day Severus Snape Woke Up In Hell and Spent Seven Minutes in Heaven Before Life Interrupted His Happily Ever After )

January 2010



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