November 13th, 2007

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Persona Non Grata, for [info]katling

Let the holidays begin! Hurrah!

Title: Persona Non Grata (1/2)
Author: [info]jadzialove
Giftee: [info]katling
Word Count: approx. 12,900
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Warnings: Rimming, Light Bondage, Some DH spoilers but basically EWE
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Co. belong to Jo Rowling and, in part, by various other large companies that are not me.
Summary: [info]katling's prompt: Severus is still viewed with suspicion and distrust, Harry dislikes this intensely and decides to take steps. Hope this fits the bill, [info]katling!

Persona Non Grata, Part One of Two )

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Persona Non Grata, for [info]katling

Title: Persona Non Grata (2/2)
Author: [info]jadzialove
Giftee: [info]katling
Word Count: approx. 12,900
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Warnings: Rimming, Light Bondage, Some DH spoilers but basically EWE
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Co. belong to Jo Rowling and, in part, by various other large companies that are not me.
Summary: [info]katling's prompt: Severus is still viewed with suspicion and distrust, Harry dislikes this intensely and decides to take steps. Hope this fits the bill, [info]katling!

Persona Non Grata, Part Two of Two )

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

The Compass, for [info]lilyseyes

Title: The Compass
Artist: [info]umbrus
Giftee: [info]lilyseyes
Rating: R and does fluffiness count?
Pairing: Snarry
Warnings: (please continue to warn for DH spoilers) nudity
Disclaimer: Do you see Severus chasing Harry or vice versa? Well, ok maybe we do, sometimes, but I still don't own Harry Potter.
Summary: Severus giving Harry his Christmas present.
Artist Notes: I know you asked for NC-17 but this was as close as I got. I think it works well for what you wanted as the scenario (Severus wants the perfect gift for Harry, one that will express what he can't verbalize and bonus if Severus thinks Harry might be slipping away from him). I tried to work in the slipping away part though I don't know if it actually came across. I hope you like it!

The Compass )

January 2010



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