April 2nd, 2019



Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

WHO: Dick Grayson, Tony Stark (mcu)
WHAT: The day after Dick and Peter's very heavy conversation, Dick dons Nightwing and goes back down to the con. He sees Tony and decides the time has come to speak of many things...
WHERE: Heros Con
WHEN: 02 April
RATING: Possibly Medium for language and tension, but whew lad we’ll see won’t we?

Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax— Of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— And whether pigs have wings )

WHO: Clint Barton (616) & Bucky Barnes (MCU)
WHAT: Comic Con Confusion and Coffee
WHERE: Convention floor
WHEN: April 2, Right smack in the middle of the fun-tivities
RATING: Lowish, some swears given it's these two

Not gonna let these con mouth breathers near my goats )