The Severus Snape Newsletter


January 18th, 2009

bethbethbeth @ 09:20 pm: Issue #609: Thursday/Friday, January 17/18, 2009
Hello, and welcome to the latest issue of [info]snapenews. Thank you all for your continuing support and useful links! Feel free to comment (either below or at and let us know how we're doing!


  • Thanks to the Leaky Cauldron, there's info about new stills for Half Blood Prince including one of Snape on the Astronomy Tower. Please note that the site requests that nobody download the images yet and that all links go directly to the pottermania site itself (spoiler notice: yes, reading the Leaky Cauldron copy or looking at the image constitutes a spoiler for the film)

  • Fun blog news about a group of Japanese fans throwing a party in honor of Snape's birthday (complete with photos).


  • This week's challenge on [info]snape100 is Free Drabble, with Bonus Reward. Win the chance to set next week's challenge.
  • This week's challenge on [info]grangersnape100 is the Bodyguard Challenge.


  • [info]ello_tink is looking for "really tear-jerking fics" about Snape (see link for more details).
  • [info]baileyshoes is looking for two kinds of Snape stories: ones where Snape is part magical creature and "Snape/Hagrid fics where Hagrid describes Severus as a wounded animal or just a magical creature and uses that information to treat him well." (click on link for more details).


  • The [info]snupin_prophet has been updated for January 11 - 18.
  • The [info]sshp_prophet has been updated for January 14 - 17.
  • [info]hgss_digest has been updated with here and twenty works of art.



  • [info]joan_waterhouse posted "ink-stained" (Snape/Hermione. PG.)


  • [info]akemi42 posted the songvid "This Will Make You Love Again" (Snape/Harry, with elements of Snape/Lily)



  • [info]trekkiegrrrl posted "Another Detention" (Snape/Harry, with a particularly cool book-lovers background. NC-17.)

    DISCLAIMERS: The warnings listed here are those given by the artist/author/poet. Please pay attention to all ratings and warnings when following links.

    We aim to bring you the latest Snape-centric items in the fandom but some might slip through the net! You can help to ensure this doesn't happen by sending us links via email to There are submission guidelines in the [info]snapenews user profile, but for the 'Today in' sections we just require the basic title/creator/rating/warnings/link info.

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