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The World of Severus Snape

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Wow! Your paragraphs about Dumbledore's personality (and disorder of said) and ethics or lack of is one of the best - and pithiest! - I've ever read! And I've read lots of them ^_^

One thing though: I wonder about your Draco/Dumbledore-take or rather Draco's qualities as possibly viewed by AD.
Draco in canon is - unlike young Riddle, pre-Azakaban-version Sirius or Cedric - NOT described as handsome or good looking by the authorial voice! That impression might be a movie!Draco Felton-byproduct...
He's described as having "pointy features (like his father. Lucius btw, if I remember right, also lacks an explicit "handsome/attractive/good looking"-label through the books by JKR ^_^), cold grey eyes, whiteblond hair and looking arrogant". Attributes which certainly don't add up to instant classical male beauty by subjective standards. Some people might find that attractive of course (like others hooked noses, sarcasm, great intellect and a way with words ^_^) but he's not presented as looking great via authorial voice.

So unless Draco reminds AD somehow favourably of his mad love for Gladstone Gander Gellert Grindelwald (due to being blond and arrogant?) I can't see him taking his appearance in any way into account to save him...
There's also the fact that AD made the first real attempt to help Draco directly, offering him any kind of alternatives and support, minutes before his end while weak and dying on the Tower: he'd known of the plot - and the impossible pressure on Draco as well as his failed attacks - for months by then. Not exactly the pinnacle of enthusiasm, wouldn't you say?

And I've never seen Draco described as popular with anyone who wasn't Slytherin, and here specifically his own year and circle. You might extrapolate that to an influence in all years of his House due to Snape's possible protection, Daddy's money/status and I'd believe you because it sounds plausible ^_^
But JKR described the school's other 3 House uniformly united in their glee if Draco was embarrassed, losing or attacked! Including members of the 3 Houses actively physically attacking and hexing him.
Draco hung only out with fellows Slytherins and we never saw anyone else trying to make friendly contact with him, successful or not. His dates and romantic interests (or even people crushing on him onesided) were also Slytherin-exclusive.
Do you have any examples of wider-spread popularity by chance?

If young Severus had shown up at Hogwarts with tons of money, a father known for having the Minister's ear and friendship, at least 2 physically imposing minions already aquired pre-school, a family friend as Head of House, a parent on the board of Governors who's also willing to sponsor a set of high quality Quidditch-brooms for a place on the team young I venture that Severus would also have been able to reach Draco's in-House status and popularity such as it is easily. Regardless of social skills, personality or talents. Sadly and unfairly >_<
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