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The World of Severus Snape

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Well, to answer the first question; no, I don't want to 'jump Severus' bones'. The man is obviously in a state of low-grade to deep depression for the entire series and depression is not sexy.

This essay claims that we, Snape fans, like Snape because he is a 'bad boy' (and we gals just looove a bad boy, don't we gals? We know what we're like. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*) and because Alan Rickman played him in the movies. Well, we've never heard THAT one before, did we?!

The rest of the essay is equally offensive. Snape is a 'horrible man' who tortured and killed (he's a serial killer, no less!), and dabbled in those dastardly Dark Arts (whatever they might be), and joined Voldemort, knowing what that man was up to (because Tom Riddle is so unsubtle, he goes and spouts his sekrit plans to one and all) wanting knowledge of the 'Dark Arts' for the POWER they could bring (because yeah, every DE we've ever saw was just *brimming* with POWER). Oh, and he respected Dumbledore, which is a redemptive point, apparantly.

Please. There must be better essays Out There than this, if we need some material to fill the slack times!

Anyway... back to the issue. I don't like Snape because I want to have carnal relations with him, I like Snape and Percy because they are the only two characters who are like me, that is to say, normal.
This whole series is, after all, the perfect world according to a six-year-old (or a malignant narcissist). It's a world where puns turn out to be literal and fart-jokes are the summon of entertainment. It's a world where good people can be recognised by the fact that they hand out sweets and where teachers who insist on order and obedience are mean, mean, MEAN! It's a place where we can attack the people we don't like without any consequences and where the laws of nature and time will bend to our will so we are never wrong and everybody better like me and do as I say or I will hate you and make you DEAD!! (*stamps little six-year-old foot*)

It's a horrifying place to any normal adult. We normal adults know only too well how cruel, how self-centered and how tyrannical six-year-olds can be. We remember that episode from Twilight Zone, where a bunch of terrified adults are forever trapped by an all-powerful six-year-old (
We've read 'Lord of the Flies' and remember fondly 'Pinochio', where kids like the Weasley Twins, the Trio and the Marauders got turned into donkeys.

I adore Snape because he is the one sane man amidst the topsy-turvy insanity of the WW. He reminds me somewhat of Sam Lowry in 'Brazil', who is seemingly the only normal thinking man in an insane dystopia. Like Snape, Sam Lowry ends ignominiously because The System of his world will not tolerate normalcy.

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