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The World of Severus Snape

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Part 3

....Just like he helped Tom cover up his identity even as a mass murderer because he didn't want people to know he knew him as an 11 year old sadist, or like he covered up the werewolf incident so the public won't know how he harbored a werewolf at Hogwarts for years.

As I said above, hubris and weakness. Hubris to believe he could plot everything without sharing information and that his plots are always the best ones, and weakness in his inability to face those he endangered without their knowledge.

Now, had Severus been presented with the plan where his death gives Harry a chance at survival, he undoubtedly would have agreed with it. Had Tom believed he couldn't trust his wand against Harry he would have used some other method to kill him (Nagini? Fiendfyre? normal fire?). Any such method that damaged the body too much would have precluded Harry's survival. However if he had been given all the information in a timely manner Severus could have modified the plan to give himself a chance at survival without harming Harry's. For instance, provoke some minor DE (preferably someone who isn't on Tom's good side) to a fight and appear to lose convincingly. When the time came he could have attempted to convince Tom the other DE was the true master. (This only has a chance of working if Tom doesn't have too much time to notice no improvement in the wand's performance, so Tom shouldn't be told too soon.) Perhaps there are other plans that could work better, I'm just improvising as I go along. But Severus had no chance as he was acting in ignorance.

Albus' original plan made no provisions for dealing with Nagini. It made no provisions for protecting Harry if after his return from limbo Tom were to decide to kill him in body-destroying ways. Two reasons to keep alive someone powerful who is on Harry's side.
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