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The World of Severus Snape

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Shyfox - winter'80-81 IS the winter after Harry was born.

*headdesk* sorry, my brain. (and probably, the spiked cider I was drinking.) I was also totally wrong to say "a child yet to be born" - they both speak of Harry as already existing (they know the sex of the child, for instance, and Severus refers to "them all" rather than "both of them" as he would if Lily were pregnant). So forget everything I said, basically. :P

In 'my' interpretation the eavesdropping on the prophecy takes place in Fall79, Especially since Sybil was apparently teaching for 'almost' 16 years during her interview with Sybil in Sept95 - beginning to teach in Spring80 can hardly be called almost 16 years

It can if she's past 15 and a half, and is stretching things a bit in order to give herself more "weight" (as I imagine she is in this scene). The Lexicon agrees with you that it was 1979. Unfortunatelly all Dumbledore says is that it was a "cold, wet night", which could be either season in that part of the world. We want the prophecy and the hilltop scene to be as close together in time as they can be, I think, because the gap between them is time Voldemort sat on the prophecy apparently doing nothing, and the longer that is, the less believable.
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