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The World of Severus Snape

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Do you draft first in a word processing program and paste from there? Because what I often see in your posts is "smart quotes" - the ones that rather than being straight vertical marks are angled inwards towards the text, or curved and open/close are mutually upside down from one another (depending on the display font).

“ ”
" "

Do you see the difference? Those are not the same in terms of ones-and-zeroes as plain quotes, and they are not interpreted as valid code - thus your lj-cut breaks. (There's no such thing as an "ij-cut" so named, btw- the code is the same on all the clones).

Worst of all, ij is not always making it clear in the preview whether the cut has taken--I really thought that this one had.

When you preview a single post you will see it in its entirety, without the cut visible (in effect, you see what you get after you click the cut link). The cut shows up when you're in a view that puts multiple posts on the same page, such as viewing the main page of a journal or community ( or your friends list.
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