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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: Why is it important not to call pureblood prejudice racism?

I would also like to point out that attendance at Hogwarts isn’t mandatory in the wizarding world (except for when Voldemort made it so), so parents are free to decide not to send their children into the wizarding world and Hogwarts. Muggles aren’t being forced to give up their magical children to the wizarding world. Allowing Muggle-borns into the wizarding world just opens up an opportunity for them.

I disagree with this. While magical parents can make an informed choice, Muggle parents are not in position to do so because they do not know and cannot know the facts about Hogwarts education, how much it differs from typical education. They can't see the castle, they are not invited to visit it, they don't meet anyone but a chosen representative of the school who would do all s/hey can, including the use of mental magical manipulation (see Dumbledore and Mrs Cole) to ensure the child attends Hogwarts. They are not making a free choice they are being manipulated into it. And every year a child spends at Hogwarts s/he falls further behind in hir ability to make a living in the Muggle world. The wizarding world, with Hogwarts as its gateway, is very much like a cult and it uses the means that cults use to trap followers.

The fic I would like to see is one where the Grangers, after returning from Australia, contact the Creeveys and form a support group for Muggle parents of magical children. Perhaps they'd also have Seamus' father. Perhaps Severus, now living in the Muggle world, helps them track down parents of children under 11 who have yet to receive their letters (I bet he has a way to get the information from the Hogwarts magical quill).

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