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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: Why is it important not to call pureblood prejudice racism?

I know you particularly hate having people comment on how you say things.

You've missed my point. Condescension and people presuming to tell me what I think or what I mean [with a bald-faced declarative statement] is what I hate.

As a matter of fact, I am not a hypocrite.

If I give you the benefit of the doubt, I would say you came off as hypocritical, that's for sure. I doubt your sincerity, however.

You seemed to be criticizing my "rhetorical strategy". Saying someone has a bad strategy is suggesting a negative possibility, is it not? I would say that it is, but I don't know about you. Also, if you don't think my strategy was bad, then I don't know why you even brought it up.

I explained the difference between what I do when I ask a rhetorical question and what I do when I'm asking a question I don't know the answer to (whatever my suspicions).

This "If you want to reject the label of racism for blood prejudice, then I submit to you that blood prejudice is just as foul as whatever you would call racism." that you keep harping on, was not a question. It was an "if then" statement. I already explained I was trying to use a strategy there. That didn't work, so I gave up strategy.

This is not to say that I didn't think the possibility existed that people would say "nah, blood prejudice isn't as bad a racism" I was just giving people the benefit of the doubt and figuring that the response would be "of course it is". Again, I'm not a mind reader. And again, I made no declarative statement. If you're offended that I have doubts, then I guess you'll just be offended, because I have doubts.

Having said that, regarding this "Also, if I "raise an inflammatory possibility" it's because I think that possibility exists and that is not part of any strategy. That's just me asking a question.": the crux of my point (that you seem to have missed) was that I am not just "raising inflammatory possibilities" without believing the possibility exists. Also, I was thinking only of the question we were dealing with, and not that earlier thing you keep harping on. Including the earlier thing, I'll amend my statement to say: I am not just "raising inflammatory possibilities" without believing the possibility exists. And if I actually ask a question, that isn't meant to be rhetorical, I'm asking a question that I don't feel I know the answer to (whatever my suspicions).

Now, having said all that, I'm not saying that I follow my pattern 100% of the time in terms of what is also strategy [which is in addition to raising the possibility] and what is just me raising a possibility (I try to be consistent, but I can't say I don't make an oopsie and deviate from the pattern, from time to time). Strategy or not, if I raise the possibility, I believe it exists.

where you were inadvertently making accusations you didn't really mean.

A lot of people, including myself, find it very rude to presume to tell [as in, make a bald-faced declarative statement like the one in italics above] another person what they meant. It just comes off condescending.

This is the Internet; if you get other people's views wrong, they will not hesitate to correct you. ;)

Right back at ya.

Love the passive-aggressive wink-smiley, btw. <---sarcasm. Yeah, I think you're being passive aggressive with that.

The conversation has officially deteriorated from the meta, and I'm done. I no longer have the patience. Respond if you like (to this reply or others), but I'm not going to reply. If you don't get my point at this point (and I'm speaking generally to the whole topic of blood prejudice = racism, as well as the point I'm making in this individual reply), then I officially give up.
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