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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: Why is it important not to call pureblood prejudice racism?

P.S. I've noticed you occasionally use a rhetorical strategy of raising inflammatory possibilities, and waiting for the person you're talking to to deny them, in order to get a clarification of what people mean.[*]

Might I suggest that instead of suggesting the negative possibility...

Holy hypocrisy, Batman! Did you just suggest for me to "stop suggesting the negative possibility" while "suggesting the negative possibility"[*] to me??
Now this question is rhetorical. Notice how I didn't say "If so, this is hypocrisy." I said "Holy hypocrisy, Batman!"

Also, if I "raise an inflammatory possibility" it's because I think that possibility exists and that is not part of any strategy. That's just me asking a question.

I will say this: if I don't follow a question up with an "If that's true" type of statement, that question is very likely rhetorical and my way of saying "Aw, hell no! O_o"

Because I suspect that you don't actually intend to accuse people of stuff, but the negative possibilities come across as accusations.

Well, that kind of statement has less offense potential than the declarative statement in the PS, but for me (I can't say for you, since I can't read your mind) sometimes a question is more honest, since I can't always say I think the positive alternative. Sometimes I'm leaning more towards the negative alternative. Better to ask the question, I think.
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