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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: Why is it important not to call pureblood prejudice racism?

Maybe you feel comfortable exploring why the pure-bloods don’t want Muggle-borns accepted, while still calling it racism.

On the other hand, Oryx just tried to do something in the same general category: she raised the question of whether going to Hogwarts is the best thing for individual Muggleborns, and whether accepting Muggleborn immigrants is best for the WW as a society.

And as a result, you thought that a reasonable follow-up was to ask her if she was suggesting it'd be appropriate to universally deny Muggle-borns admittance to the wizard world... and then you thought her post made it reasonable to raise the possibility, indirectly worded, that she's highly anti-immigrant. (And no better than a racist, since as you mentioned in that post, and everyone else so far has agreed, anti-immigrationism isn't any better than racism.)

You just asked questions, I know. But... you'd think those questions would be answered by the fact that everyone here has stated, ad literal nauseum, that we're against racism, anti-immigrantism, etc., and find all of these biases equally morally repugnant.

So... yeah. ( )

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