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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: Part III

And others have explained to you at length why we don't think it is a good fit, any more than a dog jacket is a good fit for a monkey although both animals have the same number of limbs and may be approximately the same size.

There is no exact analogue in the real world for HP prejudice against Muggles and Muggle-borns. As a Jew, I find JK's attempt to conflate wizard Mugglism/Muggle-bornism with anti-Semitism (Nazi or otherwise) actively offensive. Not only is it *not* analogous, but in some ways it turns the situation on its head. Historically, it is Jews who have been the endangered and/or hidden minority (and the more able, for that matter, although not traditionally in the arts of war).

I'm sorry, but I feel this needs to be said: some of the participants in this discussion value precision whereas you, Sailorlum, do not.

That is your prerogative. No one is saying that you should value precision or always/usually strive to speak precisely. Precision and imprecision both have their places. In general conversation, it is not only unnecessary but counter-productive to communication to care whether something took place at 10.26.04 or at approximately 10.30 am.

It does matter to a cardiologist, a policeman or a race judge in the execution of their duties, however. When a discussion is predicated on precise definition of terms, imprecision is an obstacle and an infliction. It muddies the waters instead of clearing them.

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