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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: The redemption of Severus

Wynnleaf, I think you did a really good job of summing up the virtue of courage as presented in the books, here. (And I think your other posts on the subject here were good as well). :) You've summed it up better than I could, certainly.

And I certainly think JKR means for Snape to be seen as redeemed and for Harry's statements and attitude towards Snape at the end of the book (after TPT) to reflect and signify that.

Personally, I saw Snape as redeemed immediately after reading TPT. I didn't even need Harry to acknowledge it (and I didn't read interviews till I had finished with the books). In the end, Severus used his bravery in the fight against good and evil, on the side of good (and had been doing that for 15 yrs or so). And I saw true repentance in TPT: Snape bared his soul to Harry by way of Pensieve (and on purpose, since he gave him the memories) and Snape was shown to have realized some very big wrongs and repented, IMHO. He wasn't perfect (far from), but I don't think he needed to be. I would personally assume, that at the very least, Severus wasn't damned. Frankly, I'd assume he got a good afterlife.

The way I see it, in the universe of the story, whether Snape was redeemed or not depends on Snape (the state of his soul is ultimately up to him), not Harry or any other mortal. Harry acknowledging the true bravery of Severus Snape and naming a kid after him (well, middle name), and giving a "Take That, Snape was on The Good Side all along" speech to Voldy, was literary sign enough, for me, that Severus was as redeemed as I thought he was.

Sure, no character dropped the Anvil and said verbatum "By golly, that Severus Snape was ultimately a White Hat all along. He really redeemed himself! Huzzah!" ...but I don't think they needed to. Not for ultimate redemption, which is above and beyond redemption in the eyes of the public (wizarding world and whatnot), IMHO.

Also, I agree with your estimation of whether JKR would consider Bellatrix brave or not. I think JKR would go with Aristotle (or whoever said) that true bravery has to be for good, not evil.

I rambled... ;P
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