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The World of Severus Snape

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Missing my point

My point with the book is that we don't know exactly what else it contains, and can only assume what each one of us thinks is reasonable to fill in the blanks. The same thing you (and Oryx) are doing with the book, is the same thing I'm doing with Slytherin House. My point with that is, that it seems a little hypocritical [for anyone] to keep harping on me for doing the same things you/Oryx/various others are doing: looking at what is in the text and what isn't, and filling in the blanks with what one thinks is reasonable.

Aside from lineages, I don't know what else is in Nature's Nobility. It seems reasonable that there is more, but I haven't formed an opinion as to what that more might be, myself. The book is also very old, so I don't know how updated it is. I don't know how complete it is. Not much concrete information is given in the text, so that leaves some blanks to be filled in with whatever one thinks is a reasonable assumption or extrapolation.

The same is true of Slytherin House. I made what I thought were reasonable extrapolations and assumptions, based on what information I do have from the text and what I think is reasonable to assume and extrapolate based on that information (taking the totality of what I know from the text, as a whole).

I didn't claim to *know* how many pure-bloods/half-bloods/Muggle-borns were in Slytherin. I only stated what I *think* based on my interpretation of the text.

I don't know why anyone is thinking that I am trying to argue for some great truth, here. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, even. I'm just explaining what my interpretation is, for whoever to take or leave. If for nothing else, then to add diversity to the group.
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