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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: The redemption of Severus

Oh, just one more thing. Susan is not finally excluded from Narnia, because she's alive. All the rest of her family are dead. She has plenty of time to find Narnia again, if she chooses. But it's her choice.

I, like you, would choose that kinder interpretation but some people have never forgiven Lewis for it!

And I'd like to reiterate what Oryx said so clearly. What do you mean when you say Snape is redeemed? Is he accepted by his society; considered a hero, perhaps? If this is what you mean, there is no evidence in the text, since little Al has never even heard of him.

Mary, I find it very ironic that another Snape fan is grilling me on why I think he is redeemed! This is coming over rather like an interrogation (nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!) and, with the greatest respect, I really don’t think I have to justify my view on this. :)

Snape is redeemed in MY eyes. MINE. I don’t care about Rowling’s eyes or even yours. He is redeemed in MINE. :)

Is he a good person, basically, working his slow and painful way toward virtue and having repented his sins?

Snape’s courage in his dangerous and difficult work as double agent is awesome. But there is one thing he didn’t publicly repent of and that is the way he spoke to Harry about James. He was 100% in the wrong there. Not wrong to discipline Harry. Wrong to speak of the boy’s dead father in the way he did.

But I’ve always found the moment of Snape’s death very moving, when he whispers to Harry, ‘Look at me’. The common interpretation is that he wanted to look in Lily’s eyes one last time. I also like to think that he was saying to Harry, ‘Look at me, really look at me, the real me.’ It’s an intensely vulnerable moment.

And if that is not what Rowling intended by that scene, she should have done. *snort* It’s what I would intend, were I writing Severus Snape. ;)

-- pearlette

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