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The World of Severus Snape

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Yay for clarity and understanding, and being able to disagree and still have fun discussing! :)

Yeah, I think comes back to that lack of a more visceral cue , that's really doing it in for you.

I think if I'd read the books before watching the movies, I'd have just *had* to get into fandom (specifically Snape fandom) sooner than I did. PoA would have probably had the same effect on me as you, I think. Not that the movie didn't do much the same, but the book would have made me join fandom sooner, I think. As it was, movie 6 got me reading the books and joining fandom. (I avoided reading the books until after movie 6, when I just had to know what happens next. I didn't want to spoil my enjoyment of the movies - the books are always better and make movies suffer by comparison, so hopefully I'll still be able to enjoy the DH movies). It's funny, I read the books in reverse order. It was Harry Potter, Pulp Fiction style, for me. I'm sure that effected my text interpretations, somehow.
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