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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: Oh, I hear you!

*nods* Yes. And good point with the parallel with Percy.

I'm definitely not arguing that Lily had some obligation to Severus due to *his* feelings for *her;* I just am arguing that what I see depicted in the text is either a current friend who is failing in her obligations *as a friend* - which is not a pretty picture, nor a sympathetic reading of Lily - OR someone who once was friends with another but isn't really any longer, and is just looking for the least messy way out, in typical awkward teenaged fashion. I think, really, that whatever friendship they had before on her part had started to wane after a year or so at Hogwarts, and now Lily really isn't emotionally engaged with Severus anymore. As sometimes happens.

And Severus, who was both under-socialized (and so less able to pick up subtle clues) and still deeply emotionally engaged in the friendship with Lily couldn't/didn't want to see what was happening, and held on to preserving it the best he could. Until the reality slapped him in the face in SWM, in a way that made it look to him like a sudden betrayal, and so he lashed out in rage and hurt. And destroyed the remnants of the friendship, which he immediately regretted but could not take back.
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