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The World of Severus Snape

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it's unlikely that lily evans was not a prefect at the time of swm. on the other hand - james potter was not a prefect either but became head boy later.

also if she would have the authority to report or punish offenders people would have reacted differently to her plea - or order - to leave severus snape alone. if not the marauders themselves, then others would have treated her with more respect and would have obeyed her, or at least fled the scene so they wouldn't be punished later.

but in the scene in the book no one really pays attention to her. it would have been impossible for lupin to ignore the bullying the way he did had she been a fellow prefect.

i don't think that lily evans was susceptible to peer pressure. she is only briefly described by jkr but we learn about her that she was born into a muggle family - being aware of her special abilities even as a young child. jkr does not describe her childhood explicitly but she must have felt isolated to a certain degree, especially from her sister.

although sorted into gryffindor she stayed friends with severus snape, despite his infatuation with the dark arts. in these times a friendship between a gryffindor and a slytherin would have been more than a little unusual with the first wizarding raging since 1970.

when talking to james potter she wasn't afraid to tell him her opinion and she saw through his attitude.

it is true that in the end she turned her back on him but only after he lashed out against her. there was a reason she was sorted into gryffindor - she might have tried to understand severus reasons for choosing "his path" but in the end she still remained a gryffindor - famous for being courageous, but also stubborn and maybe a bit simple minded.
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