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The World of Severus Snape

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I updated Seven Preposterous Things.
I would also like to explain the lag.
I have a rather elderly grandmother, she has Alzheimer's Disease and I am her legal guardian. The point where I began to slack off on posting (and writing) Seven Preposterous Things, was the point where her disease made itself impossible to ignore. With a professional writing career and three children, as well this slowed me down considerably, particularly her habit of calling me roughly 50 times a day from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm,
I stopped working on the story altogether after I was appointed her legal guardian by the state, her disease became all consuming for me as I had to care for her properties in addition to her person.
These days changes in her illness (it has worsened considerably) make it possible to write on non-essential projects again so I have returned to Seven Preposterous Things.

So there is the long and the short of it. I hope to have the story finished by the end of March.
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